Posts Tagged ‘varicose veins’

Varicose Veins & Compression Stockings

March 10, 2010

Recently we have seen an increase of media attention toward the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. Both unsightly and painful, varicose veins can range greatly in their severity, and typically appear as a tangled and ropey protrusion from the leg. Since the veins in the legs have to work against gravity to pump blood back toward the heart, specialized valves in the veins open and close to prevent the backwards flow of blood. Sometimes, these valves become damaged and stop functioning properly, allowing blood to pool in the leg veins. This stretches the walls of the veins, which in turn appear as varicose veins. For the most part, varicose veins are a cosmetic nuisance, but can sometimes lead to severe leg health issues, such as edema (swelling), Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clots), and venous leg ulcers if not treated properly. There are many risk factors that contribute to the development of varicose veins, including heredity, lack of exercise, age, obesity, and pregnancy. Those who wear tightly fitting clothing or high-heeled shoes, sit or stand for prolonged periods of time, consume alcohol during air travel, or have been excessively exposed to the sun or hot baths may also be prone to varicose veins.

While there is no permanent cure or treatment for varicose veins, there are several procedures that can help diminish the appearance of the veins. These include removal of the vein (stripping), tying off (ligation), an injection of fluid that collapses the vein walls (sclerotherapy), and laser or pulse light treatment. Because varicosities typically appear in superficial veins, the veins deeper in the leg will carry the extra blood. After each of these treatments, you will probably be instructed to wear JobstĀ® support hosiery to compress the veins during the healing process. These treatments are expensive and are not permanent. If you are prone to varicose veins due to heredity or other continuing factor, the veins most likely will reappear.

The best way to prevent varicose veins is by wearing JobstĀ® compression stockings daily. The support stockings compress the veins in the legs which keep the valves functioning properly and blood pumping toward your heart. Compression stockings also prevent blood from pooling in the legs, potentially causing severe swelling, blood clots, and venous ulcers.

Come take a look at our wide variety of Jobst compression stockings and support hosiery at!